Wednesday 16 March 2016

My thoughts so far

At this mid-way point in my project I thought I should briefly reflect on my progress so far. 

I am pleased with the progress I am making and feel that I have stuck to my original timed schedule completing the necessary steps each week in order to remain on track. I have been in touch with the photographer most days also to make sure that we are communicating our creative ideas back and forth and making sure he knows the images that I want him to edit so I can include them in my book. 

Looking back through the images of my last photoshoot- the mermaid- I am not 100% happy with the images as I feel they are not of the same standard as the other three shoots, and I have decided that I will not be using it in the book. Because of this, I have decided to schedule another shoot with the photographer with a different theme, model and location which I feel will work much better. This means we will have to do the shoot in a strict time scale and we will also have to do another studio shoot to go with the theatrical one. It also limits the time I have to create a hair and make-up design and source an outfit and any other materials needed. I feel it is also a good thing as I will see how well I work under intense pressure and on a short time scale. 

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