Friday 11 March 2016

Mermaid Photoshoot: Unedited Shots

Below are some of the unedited shots from the mermaid style shoot on the beach. 

There were many challenges that surfaced when photographing this look. Firstly it was a very cold and windy day so the model was freezing, which shows in majority of the photos. The tail was also difficult for the model to get in and out of, making it difficult to keep moving locations on the beach. The beach also looked very similar so it was difficult to get a variety of different looking shots like we had on the previous locations. 

I am pleased with some of the close up shots as it shows the detail in the make-up, however, the photos with the tail in them look a bit naff as the tail didn't look very realistic, and in the close up images it is not very obvious what her character is meant to be unlike in the previous shoots. 





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