Tuesday 2 February 2016

Changes to my Book

I have decided to make a few changes in the layout of my book in order to improve its unique selling point and differentiate it to any similar books on the market.

Firstly I have decided to decrease the amount of photo shoots I'm creating from 10 to 8, in doing this it will allow me slightly more time to plan each shoot, create the props and costumes and organise the models, photographer and locations as well as designing the hair and make-up for each shoot. Each shoot will have 6 pages in the book, including 1 page of text to introduce each photo shoot, followed by 3-5 images of each shoot, totalling 48 pages.

To compensate for lacking pages (as with 10 shoots there would have been 60 pages), I have decided to insert a 'behind the scenes' chapter to the back of the book. This will be broken down into each shoot, with a mix of images of me doing the models hair and makeup, the set being made up, the photographer taking the photos of the models, etc. There will also be snippets of text amongst the behind the scenes images explaining what was done and how, and also any camera technicalities and what, if any, editing tools were used in the post production of the images. Each shoot will have a behind the scenes spread of 4 pages, bringing the books page total to 80. 

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