Tuesday 9 February 2016

Updated Production Schedule

Week Commencing:
  • 11th January: Plan each shoot, know what props are needed for each shoot, 
    choose models for shoots and notify them, start to source and buy costumes, 
    wigs etc., start to design make-up and hair for each shoot. 
  • 18th January: Continue buying necessary items for shoots, add onto any 
    costumes that need altering, finalize all make-up and hair designs, make sure 
    wig preparation is underway. 
  • 25th January: Continue photo shoot prep. Start blogging.
  • 1st February: Continue photo shoot prep. Blogging.
  • 8th February: Continue photo shoot prep. Meet with photographer to discuss ideas and make sure he understands my visions for each shoot and what I'm after.
  • 15th February: Mermaid studio shoot 16th Feb. Butterfly theatrical photo shoot 21st Feb. Blogging.
  • 22nd February: The Grange theatrical photo shoot 27th Feb. Blogging.
  • 29th February: The Grange studio shoot 29th Feb. Butterfly and Beetle & Flower studio shoots 5th March. Beetle & Flower theatrical shoot 6th March. Blogging.
  • 7th March: Mermaid theatrical shoot. Blogging. Start to choose and finalise text to go with each image.
  • 14th March: Make sure with photographer that all chosen photos are edited to standard and saved in a high quality format. Start to arrange photos in the correct layout for book.
  • 21st March: Finalize book proof and send off for print no later than 25th March.
  • 28th March: Australia 
  • 4th April: Australia 
  • 11th April: Australia 
  • 18th April: Check print is up to standard incase corrections are needed. 
  • 25th April: Write 1500 word project evaluation on blogMake sure blog is complete.

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