Tuesday 9 February 2016

Further Changes to my Book

I have developed my ideas on my book further and have decided to introduce a new aspect to my book, and change a few other things also. Firstly, I have decided to change the theme to 'Natural Beauty', tying together the idea of natural settings and animals to the beauty of the model and hair, make-up and costumes.  

I have also decided to still do 8 photo shoots, but instead of them being all on location, I will do 4 theatrical shoots on location, each using a different model and theme, and then use the same model for a studio shoot, totalling 4 studio shoots. On location the model with have an elaborate hair and makeup design and costume fitting to the location, and in the studio the model will have a very minimalistic hair and make-up look with one element from the theatrical shoot. The photographer who I'm working with will then take the shot of the model from the studio and merge the top of their head with a natural element to compliment the shoot, e.g. I plan to create a butterfly themed photo shoot on the woods, so he will merge the top of her head with a woodland scene. 
The 4 photo shoot themes that I have decided on are:

Shoot 1: Butterfly inspired shoot in Ashridge woods in Hertfordshire 
Shoot 2: Bird inspired shoot at 'The Grange' house in Winchester 
Shoot 3: Mermaid inspired shoot on Bournemouth beach 
Shoot 4: Flower and beetle inspired shoot in Ashridge woods and gardens in Hertfordshire

I will still have an introductory page of text or a quote to introduce each shoot, and am still keen on presenting the book in the same way I have originally planned, with the linen covering in A3. I will have around 4 images from each shoot and the double exposure studio shot at the end of each 'chapter', totalling in around 6-8 pages per shoot 'chapter'. I will also keep the idea of a 'behind the scenes' section but just with the images of me doing the hair and makeup and some photos of the location without the model in it, as more of an insight rather than a 'how to' so that I don't take any of the 'magic' away.

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