Tuesday 2 February 2016

New Inspiration- Benjamin Von Wong

I first came across Benjamin Von Wong's photography when I was researching surreal fashion photo shoots to give me ideas and inspiration for my own project.

Benjamin's work caught my eye with its beautiful setting, lighting and costume which made it look magical, like it had come straight from a Disney film. I watched a short video of Benjamin explaining how he created the lighting for the shoot and the challenges he faced whilst photographing the models in the old historical library in Admont Abbey in Austria.

His work was especially interesting to me as for one of my photo shoots I will be seeing it up in an old Tudor estate house which is of a large scale so it helped me to think about possible lighting that'll need to be used and the placement of the models in the large old rooms. 

'Beauty and the Beast' (http://www.vonwong.com)

'Fairytale' (http://www.vonwong.com)

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